Gases are liquified under
high pressure, high temperature
high pressure, low temperature
low pressure, high temperature
low pressure, low temperature
लिखित उत्तर
The correct Answer is:B
समान प्रश्न
ज्ञान जांच
An ideal gas obeying the kinetic theory of gases can be liquefied if
Aits tempereature is more than critical temperature TCBits pressure is more than critical pressure PCCits pressure is more than PC at a temperature less than TCDit cannot be liquified at any value of P and TAn ideal gas cannot be liquified because
AIts critical temperature is always above 0∘ CBIts molecules are relatively smaller in sizeCit solidifies before becoming a liquidDforce operative between its molecules are negligibleनिम्नलिखित गैसों को सामान्यतः ग्रीन हाउस गैस कहते है-
ACFC,CHNO2 एवं CO2BCFC,CO2,NH3 एवं N2CCO2,CO,NH3 एवं NO2DCFC,N2,CO2 एवं NH3