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Which gas present in air is essential for aerobic respiration? What is the role of oxygen during respiration?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Essential Gas:
The gas that is essential for aerobic respiration is oxygen.

2. Define Aerobic Respiration:
Aerobic respiration is a type of respiration that requires oxygen to occur. It is the process through which organisms convert glucose and oxygen into energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

3. Explain the Process of Respiration:
Respiration is the biological process by which energy is released from food. It involves the intake of oxygen, the breakdown of glucose, and the release of energy.

4. Role of Oxygen in Respiration:
During aerobic respiration, oxygen plays a crucial role by facilitating the complete breakdown of glucose. This breakdown results in the production of carbon dioxide, water, and a significant amount of energy that the organism can use for various life processes.

5. Importance of Oxygen:
Organisms that rely on aerobic respiration cannot survive without oxygen because they need it to extract energy from the food they consume. Without oxygen, they cannot perform aerobic respiration, leading to insufficient energy production.

6. Comparison with Anaerobic Respiration:
Unlike aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen and occurs in its absence. However, it produces less energy compared to aerobic respiration.

- The essential gas for aerobic respiration is oxygen.
- Oxygen's role is to help break down glucose completely, producing energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

