घर्षण किस दिशा में लगता है -
a. गति की दिशा में
b. गति की विपरित दिशा में
c. किसी भी दिशा में
d. कोई नहीं
The correct Answer is:B
Step-by-Step Solution:
1. Understanding Friction (घर्षण):
- Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object. It acts when two surfaces are in contact and one surface tries to move over the other.
2. Direction of Motion:
- When an object is moving in a certain direction, we can denote that direction as "forward" or "in the direction of motion."
3. Opposition to Motion:
- The frictional force acts in the opposite direction to the motion of the object. This means if the object is moving to the right, the frictional force will act to the left.
4. Identifying the Correct Option:
- Given the options:
- A: In the direction of motion (incorrect)
- B: In the opposite direction of motion (correct)
- C: In any direction (incorrect)
- D: Not specified (incorrect)
- The correct answer is option B, which states that friction acts in the opposite direction of motion.
5. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the direction of friction (घर्षण) is always opposite to the direction of motion of the object.
- Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object. It acts when two surfaces are in contact and one surface tries to move over the other.
- When an object is moving in a certain direction, we can denote that direction as "forward" or "in the direction of motion."
- The frictional force acts in the opposite direction to the motion of the object. This means if the object is moving to the right, the frictional force will act to the left.
- Given the options:
- A: In the direction of motion (incorrect)
- B: In the opposite direction of motion (correct)
- C: In any direction (incorrect)
- D: Not specified (incorrect)
- The correct answer is option B, which states that friction acts in the opposite direction of motion.
- Therefore, the direction of friction (घर्षण) is always opposite to the direction of motion of the object.
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