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What is translucent material?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Translucent Material: A translucent material is a type of material that allows some light to pass through but does not allow clear images to be seen through it.

2. Characteristics of Translucent Materials: When light passes through a translucent material, it is scattered. This scattering means that while some light can get through, the details on the other side are not clearly visible.

3. Examples of Translucent Materials: Common examples of translucent materials include:
- Frosted glass: This type of glass has a rough surface that scatters light, making it difficult to see through clearly.
- Butter paper: This is a thin paper that allows light to pass through but blurs the view.
- Various types of plastics: Some plastics are designed to be translucent, allowing light to filter through while obscuring visibility.

4. Conclusion: In summary, translucent materials allow light to pass through but do not provide a clear view of objects on the other side due to the scattering of light.

