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Give an illustration to show that a force can change the shape of the object .List other effects of force too.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution

Step 1: Understanding the Concept of Force and Shape Change
- A force is an influence that can change the state of motion or shape of an object. When a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to deform or change its shape.

Step 2: Illustration of Force Changing Shape
- Example 1: Rubber Ball
- Take a rubber ball and apply force by squeezing it with your hands.
- When you apply force, the rubber ball compresses and changes its shape temporarily. Once you release the force, the ball returns to its original shape.

- Example 2: Book
- Consider a book lying flat on a table. If you push down on one side of the book, it tilts and changes its shape slightly.
- This demonstrates that applying force can alter the shape of an object.

Step 3: Listing Other Effects of Force
- Apart from changing the shape of an object, force can have several other effects:
1. Change in Speed: Force can increase or decrease the speed of an object. For example, when you push a stationary car, it starts moving, thus increasing its speed.
2. Change in Direction: Force can change the direction of an object. For instance, when a cricketer hits a ball with a bat, the ball changes its direction due to the force applied by the bat.
3. Change in State of Motion: Force can bring an object from rest to motion or vice versa. For example, applying force to a stationary object can set it in motion.

In summary, a force can change the shape of an object, as illustrated by the examples of a rubber ball and a book. Additionally, force can also change the speed, direction, and state of motion of an object.

