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Name the section of throat in which the human voice is produced.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Throat Structure:
- The human throat is a complex structure that includes several parts. However, we are specifically interested in the section responsible for voice production.

2. Locate the Specific Part:
- Within the throat, the specific part responsible for producing sound is known as the larynx.

3. Understand the Function of the Larynx:
- The larynx is commonly referred to as the voice box. It plays a crucial role in sound production.

4. Explore the Components of the Larynx:
- Inside the larynx, there are structures called vocal cords (or vocal folds). These are thin membranes that can vibrate.

5. Explain the Mechanism of Sound Production:
- When air is exhaled from the lungs, it passes through the vocal cords. The air causes the vocal cords to vibrate, which produces sound. The frequency and pitch of the sound can vary based on how tightly the vocal cords are stretched and how much air is pushed through them.

6. Conclude the Answer:
- Therefore, the section of the throat in which the human voice is produced is the larynx, also known as the voice box, which contains the vocal cords that create sound through vibration.

Final Answer:
The section of the throat in which the human voice is produced is called the larynx (voice box).

