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Is human body a conductor or an insulator?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Conductivity:
- To determine if the human body is a conductor or an insulator, we first need to understand what a conductor is. A conductor is a material that allows electric current to flow through it easily.

2. Body Composition:
- The human body is made up of various fluids and tissues, which contain ions. Ions are charged particles that can carry electric current.

3. Presence of Ions:
- The key ions present in the human body include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+). These ions are dissolved in bodily fluids and can move freely, allowing electricity to pass through the body.

4. Practical Example:
- A practical example of the human body's conductivity is the phenomenon of electric shock. When a person comes into contact with an electrical source, the current flows through the body because it is a conductor. If the body were an insulator, the current would not flow, and there would be no electric shock.

5. Conclusion:
- Based on the presence of ions and the ability to conduct electricity, we conclude that the human body is indeed a conductor of electricity.

Final Answer:
The human body is a conductor of electricity due to the presence of ions such as sodium, potassium, and calcium in its fluids.

