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Why is it difficult to walk on ice?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Walking Mechanics:
- When we walk, we rely on the frictional force between our feet and the ground. This friction allows us to push off the ground and move forward.

2. Role of Friction:
- The frictional force acts in the opposite direction to the force we apply when we push our feet backward. According to Newton's third law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The frictional force pushes us forward when we apply a backward force.

3. Friction on Different Surfaces:
- Different surfaces have different coefficients of friction. A high coefficient means more friction, while a low coefficient means less friction.

4. Friction on Ice:
- Ice has a very low coefficient of friction. This means that when we try to push off the icy surface, the frictional force is not strong enough to provide the necessary grip.

5. Result of Low Friction:
- Because the frictional force on ice is so low, when we attempt to walk, the backward force we apply is not met with sufficient friction to propel us forward. Instead, we either slide or stumble because the frictional force is inadequate to counteract our motion.

6. Conclusion:
- Therefore, it is difficult to walk on ice because the low frictional force does not allow us to gain the necessary traction to move effectively.
