A train takes 45 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 80 km/h. If the speed is increased by 125%, then how long will it take the train to cover 8/5 of the same distance?
एक ट्रेन को 80 किमी/घंटा की चाल से एक निश्चित दूरी तय करने में 45 मिनट का समय लगता है। यदि चाल 125% बढ़ जाती है, तो ट्रेन को उसी दूरी के 8/5 भाग को तय करने में कितना समय लगेगा?
25 minutes/ मिनट
30 minutes/ मिनट
32 minutes/ मिनट
28 minutes/ मिनट
To solve the problem step by step, let's break it down:
Step 1: Calculate the distance covered by the train
The train takes 45 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 80 km/h. First, we need to convert the time from minutes to hours.
Time in hours=45 minutes60=0.75 hours
Now, we can use the formula for distance:
Substituting the values:
Distance=80 km/h×0.75 hours=60 km
Step 2: Calculate the new speed after the increase
The speed is increased by 125%. To find the new speed, we first calculate 125% of the original speed.
Increase in speed=125%×80 km/h=125100×80=100 km/h
Now, we add this increase to the original speed:
New Speed=80 km/h+100 km/h=180 km/h
Step 3: Calculate the distance to be covered
We need to find how long it will take to cover 85 of the original distance.
Distance to cover=85×60 km=96 km
Step 4: Calculate the time taken to cover the new distance at the new speed
Now we can find the time taken to cover this distance at the new speed using the formula:
Substituting the values:
Time=96 km180 km/h=96180 hours
Simplifying this fraction:
Time=1630=815 hours
Step 5: Convert the time into minutes
To convert the time from hours to minutes, we multiply by 60:
Time in minutes=815×60=32 minutes
Final Answer
The train will take 32 minutes to cover 85 of the same distance at the increased speed.
The train takes 45 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 80 km/h. First, we need to convert the time from minutes to hours.
The speed is increased by 125%. To find the new speed, we first calculate 125% of the original speed.
We need to find how long it will take to cover 85 of the original distance.
Now we can find the time taken to cover this distance at the new speed using the formula:
To convert the time from hours to minutes, we multiply by 60:
The train will take 32 minutes to cover 85 of the same distance at the increased speed.
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