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The unisexual flowers are found in:









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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Unisexual Flowers:
Unisexual flowers are those that contain either male or female reproductive organs, but not both. This means that a flower can either be male (staminate) or female (pistillate).

2. Identifying the Types of Flowers:
- Staminate Flowers: These flowers contain only male reproductive organs (stamens).
- Pistillate Flowers: These flowers contain only female reproductive organs (pistils).

3. Examples of Plants with Unisexual Flowers:
In the question, we are given examples of plants: sunflower, mustard, papaya, and red. We need to identify which of these plants have unisexual flowers.

4. Analyzing Each Plant:
- Sunflower: Typically has both male and female parts in the same flower.
- Mustard: Also has both male and female reproductive organs in its flowers.
- Papaya: Known to have unisexual flowers, with some plants producing only male flowers and others producing only female flowers.
- Red (possibly referring to red clover or another plant): Generally has bisexual flowers.

5. Conclusion:
The plant that is known for having unisexual flowers is papaya.

Final Answer:
Unisexual flowers are found in papaya.

