Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

State true or false:
Stoppage of egg formation and menstrual cycle in a woman is called menarche.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Terms: The question refers to two key terms: "menarche" and "menopause." It's essential to define these terms to assess the statement accurately.

2. Definition of Menarche: Menarche is the term used to describe the first occurrence of menstruation in a female, typically occurring between the ages of 12 and 13.

3. Definition of Menopause: Menopause, on the other hand, refers to the time in a woman's life when menstrual cycles permanently cease, usually occurring in their late 40s to early 50s.

4. Analyzing the Statement: The statement claims that the stoppage of egg formation and the menstrual cycle in a woman is called menarche. Since menarche refers to the beginning of menstruation, not its cessation, the statement is incorrect.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the statement is false.

