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Propene on hydroboration and oxidation produces









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The correct Answer is:A

To solve the question of what product propene produces upon hydroboration and oxidation, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand Hydroboration
Hydroboration is the addition of borane (BH3) to an alkene. In this case, propene (CH3-CH=CH2) undergoes hydroboration. The boron atom adds to the less substituted carbon atom of the double bond, leading to the formation of a trialkylborane intermediate.

Hint: Remember that hydroboration occurs via syn addition, meaning both the boron and hydrogen add to the same side of the double bond.

Step 2: Form the Trialkylborane
When propene undergoes hydroboration, it reacts with BH3 to form a trialkylborane. The reaction can be represented as follows:
- Propene (CH3-CH=CH2) + BH3 → CH3-CH2-CH2-BH2 (trialkylborane)

Hint: The boron will attach to the carbon with fewer hydrogen atoms (the less substituted carbon).

Step 3: Oxidation of the Trialkylborane
The next step involves oxidation, which typically uses hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the presence of a base (like OH-). This step converts the trialkylborane into an alcohol. The hydroxyl group (-OH) will add to the less substituted carbon due to the anti-Markovnikov addition.

Hint: The oxidation process replaces the boron with a hydroxyl group, and the product will be an alcohol.

Step 4: Identify the Product
After oxidation, the product formed from propene will be propan-1-ol (also known as 1-propanol), which is represented as CH3-CH2-CH2-OH.

Hint: The final product will have the hydroxyl group on the terminal carbon, confirming it as a primary alcohol.

Thus, the final product of the hydroboration and oxidation of propene is propan-1-ol (1-propanol).

Final Answer: Propan-1-ol (CH3-CH2-CH2-OH)
