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Choose the correct option–


Macropus - hair on skin & pinna present


Pleurobrachia - Cnidoblast


Pristis - Gitar fish


Scoliodon - Cat fish

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The correct Answer is:A

To solve the question, we need to analyze each option and determine which one correctly matches the characteristics of the organisms mentioned.

1. Identify the Groups of Mammals:
- Mammals are classified into three main groups based on their reproductive strategies:
- Monotremes (egg-laying mammals)
- Marsupials (pouched mammals)
- Placental mammals (those that give birth to live young).

Hint: Remember the three groups of mammals and their reproductive strategies.

2. Analyze the First Option (Macropus):
- Macropus is a genus that includes kangaroos, which are marsupials.
- Marsupials are characterized by having hair on their skin and external ears (pinna).
- Therefore, this option is correct.

Hint: Look for characteristics specific to marsupials when evaluating options.

3. Analyze the Second Option (Pleurobranchia and Nidoblast):
- Pleurobranchia is a genus of ctenophores (marine invertebrates).
- Nidoblast refers to a type of cell found in cnidarians, not mammals.
- This option is incorrect as it does not relate to mammals.

Hint: Check if the organisms mentioned belong to the same classification group.

4. Analyze the Third Option (Pristis and Guitar Fish):
- Pristis refers to sawfish, which are cartilaginous fish.
- Guitar fish is a common name for Rhinobatos, which is also a type of cartilaginous fish.
- This option is incorrect as it does not involve mammals.

Hint: Identify if the organisms are from the mammalian class.

5. Analyze the Fourth Option (Scoliodon and Catfish):
- Scoliodon is a genus of sharks, which are also cartilaginous fish.
- Catfish belong to the order Siluriformes, which is a completely different group of fish.
- This option is also incorrect as it does not relate to mammals.

Hint: Ensure that both organisms in the option are mammals.

6. Conclusion:
- After analyzing all options, the only correct option that matches the characteristics of mammals is Option A (Macropus).

Final Answer:
The correct option is A (Macropus).
