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What will happen to a cell if its nucleus is removed ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Role of the Nucleus: The nucleus is often referred to as the "brain" of the cell. It contains the cell's genetic material (DNA) and regulates various cellular activities, including growth, metabolism, and reproduction.

2. Impact of Nucleus Removal: When the nucleus is removed from a cell, it loses its ability to control these essential functions. The metabolic activities that are crucial for the cell's survival and function are primarily regulated by the nucleus.

3. Immediate Consequences: The removal of the nucleus leads to an immediate cessation of metabolic activities. Without these activities, the cell cannot sustain itself, leading to its death.

4. Exceptions to the Rule: While most cells cannot survive without a nucleus, there are exceptions. For example, mature red blood cells in humans do not have a nucleus but can still function for a limited time. This is because they have already completed their development and do not require a nucleus for their primary function of transporting oxygen.

5. Conclusion: In general, a cell without a nucleus cannot survive and will die due to the lack of metabolic regulation. However, some specialized cells, like red blood cells, can live without a nucleus for a certain period.

