Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Outline two similarities between smooth and stripped muscles.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Types of Muscles:
- Understand that there are two main types of muscles: smooth muscles and striped muscles (which include skeletal and cardiac muscles).

2. Focus on Similarities:
- Since the question asks for similarities, we will focus on smooth muscles and cardiac muscles (a type of striped muscle).

3. First Similarity - Involuntary Control:
- Both smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are involuntary muscles. This means that they are not under conscious control; their actions are regulated by the autonomic nervous system.

4. Second Similarity - Nucleus Structure:
- Both smooth muscles and cardiac muscles have a central and single nucleus. This is a distinguishing feature compared to skeletal muscles, which are multinucleated.

5. Summarize the Similarities:
- In summary, the two similarities between smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are:
1. Both are involuntary muscles.
2. Both have a single, central nucleus.
