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Define disease and health ?

Video Solution
Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Text Solution

Step 1: Define Disease
- Disease can be understood as a condition in which the normal functioning of the body is impaired.
- The term "dis-ease" suggests that there is a loss of ease or comfort in the body.
- This impairment can lead to a reduction in the ability or efficiency of one or more organs.
- In simpler terms, a disease is when the body or mind is not functioning properly, causing discomfort or dysfunction.

Step 2: Define Health
- Health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
- It is important to note that health is not merely the absence of disease; a person can be free from disease but still not be considered healthy if they lack well-being in other aspects.
- Therefore, health encompasses a holistic view, including physical fitness, mental stability, and social harmony.
