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Explain the following :Hydrotropism

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Step-by-Step Text Solution for Hydrotropism

1. Definition of Hydrotropism:
- Hydrotropism is a type of plant movement or growth response that occurs in reaction to the presence of water. The term is derived from "hydro," meaning water, and "tropism," which refers to the movement or growth of an organism in response to a stimulus.

2. Mechanism of Hydrotropism:
- When a plant detects moisture in the soil, its roots will grow towards the area with higher water concentration. This movement is a response to the water stimulus, allowing the plant to optimize its access to water for survival and growth.

3. Direction of Growth:
- In hydrotropism, the roots of the plant will curve or turn towards the source of water. This directional growth helps the plant to efficiently absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

4. Examples of Hydrotropism:
- A common example of hydrotropism is seen in the roots of plants. When a seed germinates, the roots will grow downward and may bend towards areas where moisture is present, ensuring the plant has access to the necessary water for growth.

5. Importance of Hydrotropism:
- Hydrotropism is crucial for plants as it helps them to locate water sources, which is essential for their survival, especially in environments where water availability can be variable.
