Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Name the five major senses of man.

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Senses: Humans have five major senses that allow them to perceive the world around them.

2. List the Senses:
- Sight: This sense is facilitated by the eyes, which allow us to see.
- Taste: This sense is facilitated by the tongue, which allows us to taste different flavors.
- Smell: This sense is facilitated by the nose, which allows us to detect different odors.
- Hearing: This sense is facilitated by the ears, which allow us to hear sounds.
- Touch: This sense is facilitated by the skin, which allows us to feel sensations such as pressure, temperature, and pain.

3. Summarize: The five major senses of man are:
- Eyes (Sight)
- Tongue (Taste)
- Nose (Smell)
- Ears (Hearing)
- Skin (Touch)

Final Answer: The five major senses of man are sight (eyes), taste (tongue), smell (nose), hearing (ears), and touch (skin).

