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Explain two ways in which non-biodegradable substances affect our environment

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Definition of Non-Biodegradable Substances:
Non-biodegradable substances are materials that cannot be broken down by natural biological processes. This means that they do not decompose through the action of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.

2. Impact on Soil Quality:
One significant way non-biodegradable substances affect our environment is by degrading soil quality. When these materials, such as plastic bags or bottles, accumulate in the soil, they prevent the natural processes of decomposition and nutrient cycling. This can lead to soil pollution, reducing its fertility and affecting plant growth.

3. Harm to Wildlife:
Another way non-biodegradable substances impact the environment is through their harmful effects on wildlife. Animals may ingest these materials, mistaking them for food, which can lead to serious health issues or even death. Additionally, non-biodegradable waste can entangle animals, causing injuries or fatalities.
