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Slurry obtained from biogas plant contains maximum quantity of…… .


sulphur phosphorus




nitrogen, oxygen



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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Biogas Plants: Biogas plants are facilities that convert organic waste materials, such as animal dung, food waste, and agricultural residues, into biogas through anaerobic digestion. The primary product of this process is biogas, which consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide.

2. What is Slurry?: The by-product of the biogas production process is known as slurry. This slurry is a semi-solid material that remains after the digestion of organic matter.

3. Composition of Slurry: The slurry obtained from biogas plants is rich in nutrients. It typically contains a variety of organic compounds, as well as essential nutrients that are beneficial for soil and plant growth.

4. Key Nutrients in Slurry: The primary nutrients found in the slurry include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Among these, nitrogen is often present in the highest quantity.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the slurry obtained from a biogas plant contains the maximum quantity of nitrogen.

Final Answer: The slurry obtained from a biogas plant contains the maximum quantity of nitrogen.

