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Discuss the electrolytic process to obtain aluminium metal from bauxite.

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Introduction to Bauxite and its Composition:
- Bauxite is the primary ore of aluminum, primarily composed of aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) along with impurities such as iron oxides and silica.

2. Preparation of Alumina:
- To extract aluminum, bauxite is first refined to obtain alumina (Al₂O₃). This is typically done through the Bayer process, where bauxite is treated with sodium hydroxide, resulting in the formation of sodium aluminate. The impurities are removed, and aluminum hydroxide is precipitated and then heated to produce alumina.

3. Electrolytic Reduction Process:
- The electrolytic process for obtaining aluminum involves the electrolysis of molten alumina. To lower the melting point and improve conductivity, alumina is mixed with cryolite (Na₃AlF₆) and calcium fluoride (CaF₂).

4. Setup of the Electrolytic Cell:
- The electrolytic cell consists of a carbon anode and a cathode submerged in the molten mixture of alumina and cryolite. The cell is heated to maintain the molten state.

5. Electrolysis Reaction:
- When electricity is passed through the molten mixture, the following reactions occur:
- At the anode: Oxidation takes place where oxide ions (O²⁻) are oxidized to form oxygen gas (O₂) and release electrons:
- At the cathode: Reduction occurs where aluminum ions (Al³⁺) gain electrons to form aluminum metal:

6. Collection of Aluminum:
- The aluminum metal produced at the cathode sinks to the bottom of the electrolytic cell, where it can be periodically drained off. The oxygen produced at the anode escapes as gas.

7. Purification of Aluminum:
- The aluminum obtained is not 100% pure and may contain some impurities. Further refining processes, such as fractional crystallization or electrorefining, may be employed to achieve higher purity levels.

8. Conclusion:
- The electrolytic process is an efficient method for extracting aluminum from bauxite, utilizing the principles of electrolysis to separate aluminum from its oxide.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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