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Draw the structures of the following compounds:

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To draw the structure of 4-Methylpent-3-ene-2-one, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Parent Chain
The name indicates that the parent chain is "pent," which means it contains five carbon atoms. We will start by drawing a straight chain of five carbon atoms.


Step 2: Add the Ketone Group
The "2-one" in the name indicates that there is a ketone functional group (C=O) at carbon 2. We will place the carbonyl group (C=O) on the second carbon.


Step 3: Add the Double Bond
The "3-ene" indicates that there is a double bond between carbon 3 and carbon 4. We will add a double bond between these two carbons.


Step 4: Add the Methyl Group
The "4-methyl" indicates that there is a methyl group (-CH₃) attached to carbon 4. We will add a methyl group to carbon 4.


Step 5: Complete the Structure
Now, we need to add hydrogen atoms to each carbon to satisfy the tetravalency of carbon (each carbon should form four bonds).

Final Structure:

Summary of the Structure:
- Carbon 1 (C1) has 3 hydrogens (H₃C).
- Carbon 2 (C2) has 1 hydrogen (H) and is double-bonded to the carbonyl (C=O).
- Carbon 3 (C3) has 1 hydrogen and is double-bonded to carbon 4.
- Carbon 4 (C4) has 1 hydrogen and is bonded to the methyl group (CH₃).
- Carbon 5 (C5) has 3 hydrogens (H₃).
