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What do you understand by blended fibres?

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Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Blended Fibers:
Blended fibers are materials created by combining two or more different types of fibers.

2. Purpose of Blending:
The main goal of blending fibers is to improve and enhance the overall properties of the resulting fiber. This can include aspects such as strength, durability, texture, and comfort.

3. Examples of Fiber Blending:
For instance, a common blend is cotton and polyester. Cotton provides comfort and breathability, while polyester adds strength and wrinkle resistance.

4. Benefits of Blended Fibers:
By using blended fibers, manufacturers can create textiles that have the best characteristics of each fiber type, resulting in a product that performs better than any single fiber alone.

5. Applications of Blended Fibers:
Blended fibers are widely used in the textile industry for making clothing, upholstery, and various other products, as they provide a balance of properties that meet consumer needs.
