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Which fossil fuel is an environment friendly fuel? Describe how it has been used in recent years in an effort to reduce pollution levels caused due to burning of fossils fuels?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Environmentally Friendly Fossil Fuel:
- Among the fossil fuels, natural gas is considered the most environmentally friendly option. It produces fewer pollutants and greenhouse gases compared to coal and oil when burned.

2. Discuss the Characteristics of Natural Gas:
- Natural gas primarily consists of methane (CH4), which, when combusted, emits less carbon dioxide (CO2) and other harmful pollutants like sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter. This makes it a cleaner alternative to other fossil fuels.

3. Usage of Natural Gas in Recent Years:
- In recent years, natural gas has been increasingly used in various sectors:
- Electricity Generation: Many power plants have transitioned from coal to natural gas to reduce emissions. Natural gas plants are more efficient and emit less CO2.
- Heating and Cooking: Natural gas is widely used in residential heating and cooking appliances, providing a cleaner option compared to burning coal or oil.
- Transportation: Natural gas is also being used as a fuel for vehicles, particularly in public transport systems and heavy-duty trucks, which helps in reducing air pollution in urban areas.

4. Government Policies and Initiatives:
- Governments around the world are promoting the use of natural gas through policies and incentives. This includes investments in infrastructure for natural gas distribution and encouraging industries to switch to natural gas to meet environmental standards.

5. Impact on Pollution Levels:
- The shift towards natural gas has led to a significant reduction in air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. This transition is crucial in efforts to combat climate change and improve air quality.
