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Define each of the following terms.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Lightning: Lightning is a natural phenomenon that occurs during thunderstorms. It is a visible discharge of electricity that can be seen as a bright flash in the sky.

2. Definition of Lightning: Lightning can be defined as a sudden and powerful electric discharge that occurs between the clouds and the ground. This discharge is caused by the buildup of electrical energy in the atmosphere.

3. Formation of Lightning: During a thunderstorm, the bottom of a cloud becomes negatively charged, while the ground below it becomes positively charged. When the difference in charge becomes too great, a discharge occurs, resulting in lightning.

4. Characteristics of Lightning: Lightning is characterized by its brightness, which is due to the high temperature of the air surrounding the discharge. It can also produce thunder, which is the sound caused by the rapid expansion of air heated by the lightning.

Final Definition:
Lightning is a kind of electric discharge that occurs between the bottom of a cloud and the ground, resulting from the buildup of electrical charges during a thunderstorm.

