Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write a short note on a wooden plough and an improvised plough.

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Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Introduction to Wooden Plough:
- A wooden plough is a traditional farming tool used primarily for tilling the soil. It is made mainly of wood and consists of several key parts that facilitate its operation.

2. Main Parts of a Wooden Plough:
- The wooden plough typically includes:
- Handle: This part is used by the farmer to control the plough's direction and depth while ploughing.
- Beam: Also referred to as the pole, the beam connects the handle to the main plough body.
- Share: This is the sharp, pointed end of the plough that cuts into the soil.
- Mouth Board: This part helps in turning the soil as the plough moves through it.

3. Functionality of Wooden Plough:
- The wooden plough is designed to break up and turn over the soil, making it suitable for planting crops. The handle allows the farmer to guide the plough, while the share digs into the soil, and the mouth board helps in turning the soil over.

4. Introduction to Improvised Plough:
- An improvised plough, as the name suggests, is an upgraded version of the traditional wooden plough. It is made using more durable materials like steel and iron.

5. Main Features of Improvised Plough:
- The improvised plough retains the essential parts of the wooden plough but is constructed from stronger materials. This enhances its durability and efficiency.

6. Advantages of Improvised Plough:
- The use of steel and iron means that the improvised plough can withstand more wear and tear, allowing it to last longer than wooden ploughs. Additionally, it can penetrate the soil more deeply, improving soil aeration and preparation for planting.

7. Conclusion:
- Both wooden and improvised ploughs serve the essential function of preparing the soil for agriculture, but the improvised plough offers enhanced durability and efficiency due to its construction materials.

