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What is the role of water vapour in the formation of fog?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Water Vapour: Water vapour is the gaseous form of water present in the atmosphere. It plays a significant role in weather and climate.

2. Influence on Climate: Water vapour affects climatic conditions by contributing to humidity and temperature regulation in the atmosphere.

3. Condensation Process: When the temperature drops, especially at night, water vapour in the air begins to cool down. This cooling causes the water vapour to condense.

4. Role of Dust Particles: The condensed water vapour needs a surface to form tiny water droplets. Dust particles in the atmosphere serve as these surfaces. Water vapour condenses on these dust particles.

5. Formation of Fog: As more water vapour condenses on the dust particles, it forms tiny water droplets that remain suspended in the air. When these droplets accumulate, they create a thick mist known as fog.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the role of water vapour in the formation of fog is crucial as it condenses on dust particles during cooler temperatures, leading to the visibility-reducing phenomenon we recognize as fog.

