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Which one of the following is a protochordate









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The correct Answer is:A

To determine which of the following is a protochordate, we need to analyze the options provided: amphioxus, lamprey, labio, and exocetus.

1. Identify the Options: The options given are:
- A) Amphioxus
- B) Lamprey
- C) Labio
- D) Exocetus

2. Understand Protochordates: Protochordates are the earliest forms of chordates and include groups such as cephalocordates and urochordates. They are characterized by having a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, and pharyngeal slits at some stage of their life cycle.

3. Analyze Each Option:
- A) Amphioxus: This organism belongs to the group Cephalocordata, which is a type of protochordate. Therefore, amphioxus is a protochordate.
- B) Lamprey: Lampreys belong to the class Cyclostomata, which are jawless fish and classified as true chordates (eukordates), not protochordates.
- C) Labio: Labio (also known as Labeo) is a genus of freshwater fish, which are also classified as eukordates.
- D) Exocetus: Exocetus, commonly known as flying fish, also belong to the eukordates.

4. Conclusion: Based on the classification, the only organism from the options that qualifies as a protochordate is Amphioxus.

Final Answer:
A) Amphioxus is the protochordate among the given options.

