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What is the state of hybridisation of carbocation?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To determine the state of hybridization of a carbocation, let's analyze the simplest example, which is the methyl carbocation (CH3+).

1. Identify the Structure of the Carbocation:
- The methyl carbocation (CH3+) consists of one carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms and has a positive charge.

2. Count the Bond Pairs:
- In CH3+, there are three carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds. Each bond represents a bond pair.

3. Determine the Steric Number:
- The steric number is calculated by adding the number of bond pairs and the number of lone pairs around the central atom (in this case, the carbon atom). Since there are no lone pairs on the carbon atom in CH3+, the steric number is 3 (from the three C-H bonds).

4. Relate Steric Number to Hybridization:
- The hybridization can be determined based on the steric number:
- Steric number 2 corresponds to sp hybridization.
- Steric number 3 corresponds to sp² hybridization.
- Steric number 4 corresponds to sp³ hybridization.
- Since the steric number for CH3+ is 3, the hybridization state is sp².

5. Consider the Vacant Orbital:
- In addition to the three bond pairs, the carbocation has a positive charge, indicating that there is a vacant p orbital on the carbon atom. This vacant orbital is consistent with sp² hybridization, which involves one s orbital and two p orbitals forming three sp² hybrid orbitals, leaving one p orbital unhybridized.

Final Answer:
The state of hybridization of a carbocation (like CH3+) is sp².

