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Why do solids have a definite volume?

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To understand why solids have a definite volume, we can break down the explanation into several key points:

1. Definition of Solids: Solids are one of the states of matter characterized by a fixed shape and volume. Unlike liquids and gases, solids do not conform to the shape of their container.

Hint: Consider the properties of different states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and how they occupy space.

2. Arrangement of Particles: In solids, the particles (atoms or molecules) are closely packed together. This close packing means that the distance between the particles is very small.

Hint: Visualize how particles are arranged in a solid compared to a liquid or gas.

3. Intermolecular Forces: The particles in solids experience strong intermolecular forces of attraction. These forces hold the particles tightly in place, preventing them from moving freely.

Hint: Think about how the strength of forces between particles affects their movement and arrangement.

4. Limited Movement of Particles: Due to the strong intermolecular forces, the particles in a solid can only vibrate in their fixed positions. They do not have the freedom to move around, which is why solids maintain their shape and volume.

Hint: Consider how the movement of particles differs in solids compared to liquids and gases.

5. Definite Volume: Because the particles are tightly packed and do not move from their positions, solids have a definite volume. The volume does not change unless the solid is physically altered (e.g., crushed or broken).

Hint: Reflect on how the volume of a solid remains constant regardless of the container it is in.

In summary, solids have a definite volume because their particles are closely packed together, held in place by strong intermolecular forces, and are unable to move freely. This results in a fixed volume that does not change under normal conditions.
