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Define the term "amorphous". Give a few example of amorphous solids.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Amorphous:
- The term "amorphous" is derived from the Greek word "amorphos," which means "without form." In the context of solids, it refers to materials that lack a well-defined crystalline structure.

2. Characteristics of Amorphous Solids:
- Amorphous solids are characterized by the absence of a long-range order in the arrangement of their particles. While the particles are closely packed, they do not exhibit a regular, repeating pattern like that found in crystalline solids. This irregular arrangement leads to unique physical properties.

3. Comparison with Crystalline Solids:
- Unlike amorphous solids, crystalline solids have a well-ordered structure where particles are arranged in a repeating pattern over long distances. This regular arrangement contributes to distinct melting points and other properties.

4. Examples of Amorphous Solids:
- Common examples of amorphous solids include:
- Glass
- Rubber
- Plastics (such as polyethylene and polystyrene)
- Gels
- Some types of wax
