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Give the IUPAC name of

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To determine the IUPAC name of the given compound, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the longest carbon chain
The structure provided is CH3-CH(OH)-CH=CH2. The longest continuous carbon chain contains four carbon atoms.

Step 2: Number the carbon chain
We need to number the carbon chain in such a way that the substituents (in this case, the hydroxyl group -OH and the double bond) receive the lowest possible numbers.

- If we start numbering from the left (CH3 side), we get:
1. CH3 (1)
2. CH(OH) (2)
3. CH (3)
4. CH2 (4)

- If we start numbering from the right (CH2 side), we get:
1. CH2 (1)
2. CH (2)
3. CH(OH) (3)
4. CH3 (4)

Since the -OH group has a higher priority than the double bond, we will start numbering from the left side, giving us the following locants:
- -OH at position 2
- Double bond between carbons 3 and 4

Step 3: Determine the base name
The longest carbon chain has four carbons, which corresponds to the base name "butane." However, since we have a double bond, we will use "butene."

Step 4: Identify the position of the double bond and the hydroxyl group
- The double bond is located between carbons 3 and 4, so we will indicate this with "3" in the name.
- The hydroxyl group is located at carbon 2, so we will indicate this with "2" in the name.

Step 5: Combine the information to form the IUPAC name
We will combine the locants and the base name:
- The double bond takes precedence, so we will write the name as "but-3-ene."
- The -OH group will be indicated as a suffix, and since it takes priority, we will write it as "but-3-en-2-ol."

Final IUPAC Name
Thus, the IUPAC name of the compound is 2-butan-3-ol.

