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Club Fungi are









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The correct Answer is:D

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Groups of Fungi: The kingdom Fungi is divided into several groups. The main groups include Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, and Basidiomycetes.

2. Understand Phycomycetes: Phycomycetes are known as lower fungi or algal fungi. They include two subgroups: Oomycetes (the most primitive) and Zygomycetes. However, these are not classified as club fungi.

3. Examine Ascomycetes: Ascomycetes, also known as sac fungi, have a fruiting body called an Ascus, which is sac-shaped. They produce sexual spores known as Ascospores. This group does not represent club fungi.

4. Look at Deuteromycetes: Deuteromycetes, or imperfect fungi, are characterized by the absence of sexual reproduction. They do not form any club-like structures, thus they are not classified as club fungi.

5. Identify Basidiomycetes: The correct group that represents club fungi is Basidiomycetes. This group is named for its fruiting body called a Basidium, which is club-shaped. Basidiomycetes produce sexual spores known as Basidiospores.

6. Conclusion: Based on the characteristics and definitions of the groups, the correct answer to the question "Club Fungi are" is Basidiomycetes.

7. Examples: Some examples of Basidiomycetes include rusts and smuts, such as Puccinia (which causes rust) and Ustilago (which causes smut).

Final Answer: Club Fungi are Basidiomycetes.

