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Which is correct


Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protonemal and leafy stage


In gymnosperms, female gametophyte is free living


Antheridiophores and archegoniophores are present in pteridophytes


Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes.

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The correct Answer is:D

To determine which statement is correct regarding the options provided, we will analyze each statement one by one.

1. Analyze Option A:
- Statement: "Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protoemal and leafy stage."
- Explanation: In pteridophytes, the gametophyte stage is indeed characterized by a protonemal stage and a leafy stage. However, this description is more typical of bryophytes rather than pteridophytes. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.

2. Analyze Option B:
- Statement: "In gymnosperm, female gametophyte is free living."
- Explanation: In gymnosperms, the female gametophyte is not free-living; it develops within the ovule and is dependent on the sporophyte for nutrition. Hence, this statement is also incorrect.

3. Analyze Option C:
- Statement: "Enthrediophores and Archegoniophores are present in pteridophytes."
- Explanation: The terms "antheridiophores" and "archegoniophores" refer to structures found in bryophytes, particularly in liverworts, not in pteridophytes. Pteridophytes have different reproductive structures. Thus, this statement is incorrect.

4. Analyze Option D:
- Statement: "Origin of seed habits can be traced in pteridophytes."
- Explanation: The origin of seed habits, which includes the development of heterospory and the retention of the megaspore, is indeed a feature that can be traced back to pteridophytes. This statement is correct.

After analyzing all the options, the correct statement is:
- Option D: "Origin of seed habits can be traced in pteridophytes."

Final Answer:
The correct answer is Option D.

