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Colour of Bougainvillea flower is due to colour of its









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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks about the color of the Bougainvillea flower and what specifically contributes to that color.

2. Identifying the Flower Structure: Bougainvillea flowers do not have a distinct corolla (the petals of a flower) or calyx (the outer part of the flower, typically green). Instead, they have structures that are often mistaken for petals.

3. Recognizing the Role of Bracts: The bright colors of Bougainvillea flowers are actually due to the bracts, which are modified leaves that surround the tiny actual flowers.

4. Function of Bracts: The bracts serve two main purposes: they protect the flowers and attract pollinators with their vibrant colors.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the color of the Bougainvillea flower is due to the color of its bracts.

Final Answer: The color of Bougainvillea flower is due to the color of its bracts.

