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Which one is essential for good germination in Pea?









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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Seed Germination: Germination is the process by which a seed develops into a new plant. For this process to occur effectively, certain conditions must be met.

2. Identifying the Requirements for Germination: The primary requirements for seed germination typically include water, warmth, and oxygen. Each of these plays a crucial role in the metabolic processes that support germination.

3. Focusing on Pea Seeds: In the case of pea seeds, they need to be sown in soil and adequately watered to initiate the germination process.

4. Role of Oxygen: Oxygen is essential for the respiration of the embryo within the seed. During germination, the embryo requires energy, which it derives from respiration, a process that requires oxygen.

5. Anaerobic Conditions: If the seed is in an anaerobic (absence of oxygen) environment, the embryo cannot respire effectively, leading to poor germination or failure to germinate.

6. Conclusion: Among the various gases (like hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide), oxygen is the only one that is crucial for the germination of pea seeds. Therefore, the essential factor for good germination in pea seeds is the presence of oxygen.

Final Answer: Oxygen is essential for good germination in pea seeds.

