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In grasses, the type of cells which help in transpiration and rolling of leaves repectively are


dumb-bell shaped cells and empty colourless cells.


lenticels and mesophyll cells


normal epidermal cell and guard cells


bulliform cells and bean- shaped cells.

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The correct Answer is:a

To answer the question regarding the types of cells in grasses that help in transpiration and rolling of leaves, we can break down the solution into clear steps:

1. Identify the Cells Involved in Transpiration:
- In grasses, the cells responsible for transpiration are known as guard cells.
- These cells are located in the epidermis of the leaves and are typically shaped like dumbbells.

2. Understand the Function of Guard Cells:
- Guard cells regulate the opening and closing of stomata, which are small openings on the leaf surface.
- When the guard cells swell with water, they open the stomata, allowing for gas exchange and transpiration to occur.

3. Identify the Cells Involved in Leaf Rolling:
- The cells that assist in the rolling of leaves in grasses are called buliform cells (also known as motor cells).
- These cells are large, colorless, and hygroscopic (water-attracting) and are found in the upper epidermis of the grass leaves.

4. Understand the Function of Buliform Cells:
- Buliform cells are responsible for the rolling and unrolling of the leaf lamina.
- They cause the leaves to roll up during dry conditions to reduce water loss and unroll when conditions are moist.

5. Conclude the Answer:
- Therefore, the types of cells that help in transpiration and rolling of leaves in grasses are:
- Guard cells for transpiration.
- Buliform cells for rolling of leaves.

Final Answer:
In grasses, the type of cells which help in transpiration and rolling of leaves respectively are guard cells and buliform cells.

