Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Brain of Cockroach is made of two groups of


One ganglia


Two ganglia


Three ganglia


Four ganglia

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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks about the composition of the brain of a cockroach, specifically how many groups of ganglia it consists of.

2. Identifying the Brain Structure: The brain of a cockroach is part of its central nervous system, which is located in the head region.

3. Defining Ganglia: Ganglia are clusters of neurons that are part of the nervous system. In the case of the cockroach, the nervous system is organized into a series of ganglia.

4. Components of the Cockroach Brain: The central nervous system of the cockroach consists of three main groups of ganglia:
- Supra-oesophageal ganglia: This is a bilobed mass formed by the fusion of three pairs of ganglia.
- Circum-oesophageal ganglia: This surrounds the oesophagus.
- Sub-oesophageal ganglia: This is located below the oesophagus.

5. Identifying the Specific Ganglia: The supra-oesophageal ganglia are further divided into three pairs:
- Proto-cerebrum
- Deuto-cerebrum
- Tritocerebrum

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the brain of the cockroach is made up of three groups of ganglia. The correct answer to the question is three ganglia.

Final Answer: The brain of the cockroach is made of three ganglia.

