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Amongst hydrophytes finely dissected leaves occur in


Rooted floating leaved plants


Submerged plants


Emerged plants


Free floating plants.

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The correct Answer is:B

To solve the question "Amongst hydrophytes finely dissected leaves occur in", we will analyze the different types of hydrophytes mentioned in the options and determine which one is characterized by finely dissected leaves.

1. Understanding Hydrophytes:
- Hydrophytes are plants that grow in water or in very moist environments. They have adaptations that allow them to thrive in aquatic conditions.

2. Identifying the Types of Hydrophytes:
- The question provides four options:
1. Rooted floating leaf plants
2. Submerged plants
3. Emerged plants
4. Free floating plants

3. Analyzing Each Option:
- Rooted Floating Leaf Plants: These plants have leaves that float on the water surface. Their leaves are typically broad and flat to capture sunlight.
- Submerged Plants: These plants grow entirely underwater. They often have finely dissected leaves which help them to reduce resistance to water currents and allow for better gas exchange.
- Emerged Plants: These plants grow with their roots in the water but have leaves that extend above the water surface. Their leaves are generally not finely dissected.
- Free Floating Plants: These plants float on the water surface and may have broader leaves for buoyancy and light capture.

4. Conclusion:
- Among the options, submerged plants are the ones that typically have finely dissected leaves. This adaptation helps them to balance in water currents and minimizes damage from turbulence.

5. Final Answer:
- The correct answer is submerged plants (Option 2).
