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Halophytes are those plants which grow in salty soils.
Heliophytes are those plants which grown in direct sunlight


If both As and R are correct and R is correct explanation of As


If both As and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of As


If As is correct, R is wrong


If both As and R are wrong.

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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Halophytes:
- Halophytes are plants that thrive in salty soils. They have adaptations that allow them to survive in high salinity conditions. Common environments for halophytes include mangrove swamps and marshy areas.
- Example: Mangroves are a typical example of halophytes.

2. Understanding Heliophytes:
- Heliophytes are plants that grow in direct sunlight. These plants are often referred to as sun-loving plants.
- Example: Banyan trees are a common example of heliophytes.

3. Evaluating the Assertion:
- The assertion states that "Halophytes are those plants which grow in salty soils." This statement is true based on the definition of halophytes.

4. Evaluating the Reason:
- The reason states that "Heliophytes are those plants which grow in direct sunlight." This statement is also true based on the definition of heliophytes.

5. Analyzing the Relationship:
- While both the assertion and the reason are correct, they are independent statements and do not explain each other. The reason does not provide an explanation for the assertion.

6. Conclusion:
- Both the assertion and the reason are correct, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion. Therefore, the correct answer is that both statements are true, but the reason does not explain the assertion.

Final Answer:
Both the assertion and reason are correct, but the reason is not the correct explanation for the assertion.

