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Answer the following questions :
What is PET? Why is it being increasingly used for making bottles, jars and utensils?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

Step 1: Define PET
PET stands for Polyethylene Terephthalate. It is a type of polyester that is commonly used in the production of various plastic products.

Step 2: Discuss Properties of PET
PET has several important properties that make it suitable for use in making bottles, jars, and utensils:
- Strength: PET is known for its strong and impact-resistant nature, which means it can withstand physical stress without breaking easily.
- Lightweight: Compared to glass, PET is much lighter, making it easier to handle and transport.
- Shatterproof: Unlike glass, PET does not shatter upon impact, making it a safer option for containers that may be dropped or knocked over.
- Chemical Resistance: PET is resistant to many chemicals, which helps in preserving the contents of the bottles and jars.

Step 3: Explain Increasing Use of PET
Due to these properties, PET is increasingly being used for making bottles, jars, and utensils. Its lightweight nature, combined with its strength and safety features, makes it a more practical choice compared to traditional materials like glass.

Step 4: Conclusion
In summary, PET is a versatile and durable plastic that is favored for making various containers due to its strength, lightweight, shatterproof nature, and chemical resistance.

