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Friction is a self adjusting force.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Friction: Friction is a force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact. It acts in the direction opposite to that of the applied force.

2. Self-Adjusting Nature of Friction: The statement "friction is a self-adjusting force" means that the force of friction changes in response to the applied force. It adjusts itself to prevent motion until a certain limit is reached.

3. Example of Friction: Consider an object resting on a rough surface. If we apply a force of 1 Newton to the left, the frictional force will also act to the right with an equal magnitude of 1 Newton, keeping the object in equilibrium.

4. Bond Strength: The bond strength between the object and the surface refers to the maximum frictional force that can act before the object starts to move. For example, if the bond strength is 10 Newtons, the object will not move until the applied force exceeds this value.

5. Increasing the Applied Force: If we gradually increase the applied force to 2 Newtons, 3 Newtons, and so on, the frictional force will also increase correspondingly, always acting in the opposite direction to the applied force, until it reaches the bond strength limit.

6. Threshold of Motion: Once the applied force exceeds the bond strength (e.g., 11 Newtons), the object will begin to move. At this point, the frictional force changes from static friction (which was equal to the applied force) to kinetic friction, which is usually less than the maximum static friction.

7. Conclusion: Therefore, we can conclude that friction is indeed a self-adjusting force because it varies in magnitude based on the applied force, up to a certain limit, and only when that limit is exceeded does the object begin to move.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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