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With the help of the given clues, unscramble the letters to make a meaningful word.
ETHZR (unit of frequency of sound wave)

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To unscramble the letters "ETHZR" to find a meaningful word that represents a unit of frequency of sound waves, follow these steps:

1. Identify the Letters: We have the letters E, T, H, Z, and R.

2. Recall the Clue: The clue states that we are looking for a unit of frequency of sound waves.

3. Think of Common Units of Frequency: The most common unit of frequency is "Hertz".

4. Rearranging the Letters:
- Start with the letter 'H'.
- Next, look for the letter 'E'.
- Then, find 'R'.
- Follow it with 'T'.
- Finally, add 'Z'.

5. Form the Word: When you rearrange the letters in the order H, E, R, T, Z, you get the word "HERTZ".

6. Conclusion: The unscrambled word is "HERTZ", which is indeed the unit of frequency of sound waves.

Final Answer:
The meaningful word is HERTZ.

