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In highly seismic areas, what material should be used for construction of houses.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Seismic Areas: Seismic areas are regions that are prone to earthquakes. In these areas, buildings must be designed to withstand the forces generated during an earthquake.

2. Choosing Materials: In highly seismic areas, it is advisable to use lighter construction materials. Heavy materials can increase the risk of structural failure during an earthquake.

3. Recommended Materials: The best materials for construction in seismic areas include wood, mud, and timber. These materials are lighter compared to traditional heavy construction materials like concrete and steel.

4. Advantages of Lighter Materials: Using lighter materials helps to reduce the overall weight of the structure. In the event of an earthquake, this means that there is less force acting on the building, which can help prevent collapse.

5. Design Considerations: It is also important to design roofs to be as light as possible. Heavy roofs can fall during an earthquake, causing significant harm to the occupants.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, in highly seismic areas, the use of wood, mud, and timber is recommended for construction to minimize damage and enhance safety during earthquakes.

