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Three different electrolytic cells A, B and C are connected in separate circuits. Electrolytic cell A contains sodium chloride solution. When the circuit is completed, a bulb in the circuit glows brightly. Electrolytic cell B contains acetic acid solution and in this case the bulb in the circuit glows dimly. The electrolytic cell C contains sugаr solution and the bulb does not glow. Give a reason for each of these observations.

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(i) Sodium chloride solution (NaCl) is a strong electrolyte. It dissociates álmost completely when dissolved in water to give free mobile ions. Hence, NaCl conducts, electricity in large electrolyte. It dissociates álmost completely when dissolved in water to give free mobile ions. Hence, NaCl conducts, electricity in large
Acetic acid is a weak electrolyte, so it conducts electricity in small quantity
(iii) Sugar is a non-electrolytexit ħaš only molecules and no ions. Hence, it does not allow current to pass through.
