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Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.
5348 , 6812 , 5281 , 356 , 9812

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The correct Answer is: 356 , 5281 , 5348 , 6812 , 9812

To arrange the numbers 5348,6812,5281,356,9812 in ascending order, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Numbers
First, we need to identify the numbers we are working with:
- 5348
- 6812
- 5281
- 356
- 9812

Step 2: Compare the Numbers
Next, we compare the numbers to find out which one is the smallest. We can do this by looking at the number of digits and the value of each digit from left to right.

Step 3: Find the Smallest Number
Among the numbers, 356 is the smallest because it has the least value compared to the others.

Step 4: Remove the Smallest Number
Now, we remove 356 from the list and look at the remaining numbers:
- 5348
- 6812
- 5281
- 9812

Step 5: Repeat the Comparison
Now we compare the remaining numbers:
- The smallest among 5348, 6812, 5281, and 9812 is 5281.

Step 6: Remove the Next Smallest Number
We remove 5281 from the list:
- 5348
- 6812
- 9812

Step 7: Continue the Process
Next, we compare 5348, 6812, and 9812. The smallest is 5348.

Step 8: Remove the Next Smallest Number
We remove 5348 from the list:
- 6812
- 9812

Step 9: Compare the Last Two Numbers
Now we compare 6812 and 9812. The smallest is 6812.

Step 10: Remove the Last Smallest Number
We remove 6812, leaving us with:
- 9812

Step 11: Final Arrangement
Now we have arranged all the numbers in ascending order:
- 356
- 5281
- 5348
- 6812
- 9812

Final Answer
The numbers in ascending order are:
356, 5281, 5348, 6812, 9812


Updated on:7/8/2024

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