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Place commas correctly and write the numerals:
Fifty eight million four hundred twenty three thousand two hundred two.

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The correct Answer is:58423202

To convert the words "Fifty eight million four hundred twenty three thousand two hundred two" into numerals and place commas correctly, follow these steps:

1. Identify the millions place: The phrase starts with "Fifty eight million." This indicates that we have 58 million. In numeral form, this is written as 58,000,000.

2. Identify the thousands place: Next, we have "four hundred twenty three thousand." This means we need to add 423,000 to our numeral. In numeral form, this is written as 423,000.

3. Combine the millions and thousands: Now, we combine the millions and the thousands. So far, we have:
- 58,000,000 (for fifty-eight million)
- 423,000 (for four hundred twenty-three thousand)

When combined, this becomes 58,423,000.

4. Identify the hundreds place: Finally, we have "two hundred two." This means we need to add 202 to our numeral. In numeral form, this is simply 202.

5. Combine all parts: Now, we combine everything:
- 58,423,000 (from millions and thousands)
- 202 (from hundreds)

Therefore, the complete numeral is 58,423,202.

6. Place the commas correctly: The final numeral with the correct placement of commas is 58,423,202.

Final Answer:
The numeral for "Fifty eight million four hundred twenty three thousand two hundred two" is 58,423,202.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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