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Find the H.C.F. of 140, 210 and 350 by prime factorisation method.

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The correct Answer is:=70

To find the H.C.F. (Highest Common Factor) of 140, 210, and 350 using the prime factorization method, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Prime Factorization of 140
- Start by dividing 140 by the smallest prime number, which is 2.
- 140÷2=70
- Divide 70 by 2 again.
- 70÷2=35
- Now, 35 is not divisible by 2, so we move to the next prime number, which is 3. It is also not divisible by 3, so we try 5.
- 35÷5=7
- Finally, 7 is a prime number.
- Thus, the prime factorization of 140 is:

Step 2: Prime Factorization of 210
- Start by dividing 210 by 2.
- 210÷2=105
- Next, 105 is not divisible by 2, so we try 3.
- 105÷3=35
- Now, divide 35 by 5.
- 35÷5=7
- Finally, 7 is a prime number.
- Thus, the prime factorization of 210 is:

Step 3: Prime Factorization of 350
- Start by dividing 350 by 2.
- 350÷2=175
- Now, 175 is not divisible by 2, so we try 3, which it is not divisible by either. Next, we try 5.
- 175÷5=35
- Now, divide 35 by 5 again.
- 35÷5=7
- Finally, 7 is a prime number.
- Thus, the prime factorization of 350 is:

Step 4: Identify Common Prime Factors
Now we have the prime factorizations:
- 140=22×51×71
- 210=21×31×51×71
- 350=21×52×71

Step 5: Find the H.C.F.
To find the H.C.F., we take the lowest power of each common prime factor:
- For 2: the lowest power is 21
- For 5: the lowest power is 51
- For 7: the lowest power is 71

Thus, the H.C.F. is:

Final Answer
The H.C.F. of 140, 210, and 350 is 70.

