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What is the basic unit of classification?

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Classification: Classification in biology is the process of organizing living organisms into groups based on shared characteristics.

2. Identifying the Basic Unit: The basic unit of classification is known as a "species."

3. Defining Species: A species is defined as a group of organisms that share common characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

4. Morphological Similarity: Members of a species are typically morphologically similar, meaning they have similar physical structures and traits.

5. Interbreeding: One of the key features that define a species is the ability of its members to interbreed, which means they can reproduce with one another and produce viable offspring.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the basic unit of classification is the species, which consists of morphologically similar organisms capable of interbreeding.
