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Define the following .

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Vermiculture: Vermiculture is the practice of cultivating earthworms for various purposes, primarily for the production of organic compost.

2. Purpose of Vermiculture: The main purpose of vermiculture is to utilize earthworms to convert organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, which can be used to enhance soil fertility.

3. Process Involved: In vermiculture, earthworms are raised in controlled environments where they feed on organic matter. As they digest this material, they excrete castings that are rich in nutrients.

4. Benefits of Vermiculture: The compost produced through vermiculture is beneficial for agriculture as it improves soil structure, increases moisture retention, and provides essential nutrients to plants.

5. Applications: Vermiculture is widely used in sustainable farming practices, organic gardening, and waste management, as it helps recycle organic waste into valuable compost.
